Saddle Care 101: Saddle Up for Success

Saddle Care 101: Saddle Up for Success

Your trusty saddle is your partner in riding adventures, and taking good care of it is crucial for both your comfort and its longevity. Regular cleaning and proper maintenance ensure a smooth riding experience and prevent costly repairs down the road.

Gather your supplies:

  • Soft Sponges: Small tack sponges are ideal for cleaning and polishing leather without scratching the surface. Re-usable sponges are fantastic for cleaning all types of leather tack.
  • Leather Oil: We recommend oiling brand new leather thoroughly before first use, and before you fasten all of the buckles. This prevents cracking that can occur when leather is dry. Once oiled, quality leather typically only needs to be re-oiled every 4-6 months (especially in damp climates). Effax Leder-Soft and Olson's Leather Dressing are great options for breaking in new leather. *Special Note: If you have a Butet saddle, please use the Butet Leather Oil, and if you have a Prestige saddle, to please use the Prestige Leather Oil.

Cleaning Steps:

  1. Prep the Saddle: Remove any loose dirt or debris with a damp sponge. Pay close attention to areas that accumulate sweat and grime.
  2. Apply Leather Cleaner: Apply a small amount of leather cleaner to a sponge or cloth and gently wipe down the entire saddle. Work in small sections and avoid over-saturating the leather.
  3. Clean Crevices: Use a toothbrush to clean nooks and crannies, paying extra attention to stitching and areas prone to dirt buildup.
  4. Rinse and Dry: If the cleaner requires rinsing, use a clean, damp sponge to remove any residue. Allow the saddle to air dry completely out of direct sunlight or heat.
  5. Condition the Leather: Once the saddle is completely dry, apply a thin layer of leather conditioner using a clean sponge. Buff the conditioner gently to ensure even distribution.

Bonus Tips:

  • Clean your saddle regularly, ideally after every ride or at least once a week for heavily used saddles.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals or solvents, as they can damage the leather.
  • Store your saddle in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
  • Cover your saddle with a soft, saddle cover when not in use.
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