Saddle FAQ
"Dot to Dot" tree reference:
Jump Saddles: 4"/Medium, 4.5"/MW, 5"/Wide
Dressage Saddles: 4-4.5"/Medium, 5"-5.5"/MW, 6"/Wide
Decoding serial numbers:

Antarès SC 4AAB 17 L 11 111
SC = seat depth (P/Flat, SC/Half-Deep, C/Deep)
4AAB = flap (Length ranges from 00 to 5, 00 being the shortest (2=Standard). The letter follows describes the forwardness of the flap; N being standard (more straight); A slightly forward, AA forward, and AAA very forward. There are also specialty flaps, like AB (low advanced which is forward with a lower forward curve), NB (normal with a lower curve))
17 = seat size
L = seat width (E/Narrow, N/Standard, L/Wide, XL/Extra Wide)
11 = year of manufacturing (2011)
111 = item number of the year
2.5 = flap
L= seat depth
17 = seat size
23 = seat width
S = tree width
DF = panel modification (panels are fully customizable)
MOS = soft panel
22 = year of manufacturing (2022)
0974 = item reference number
We are your Butet dealer - Text us for further help (425-454-9453)!

CWD: SE01 16 TC 1L PL 06 4223
SE01 = saddle model
16 = size of the seat (sometimes run small)
TC = seat depth (TC/Flat, TR/Half-Deep, XTR/Deep)
1L = flaps (Flaps can range from 0 to 5, 0 being the shortest. The letter that follows describes the angle of the flap; C being more forward while L is longer/straighter)
06 = year of manufacturing (2006)
4223 = saddle make reference number
Devoucoux: 18S42019888 002 2A D3D 4.0 3-5
18 = year of manufacturing (2018)
S42019888 = saddle make reference number
002 = seat Size (001/16"-16.5", 002-17"-17.5", 003/18"-18.5")
2A = flaps (flap lengths 0-5, D/Straight, A/Forward, AA/Extra Forward, B/Low Forward)
D3D 4.0 3-5 = panel configuration (D3D is wider panels that are perfectly symmetrical: weight-bearing surface area increased by 30% compared to the previous generation of panels)
Prestige: 17 34 09510217 AA L
17 = seat size (Prestige is only by whole sizing: 15", 16", 17", or 18")
34 = tree width (Trees are adjustable up or down 2cm from original stamping. If tree is altered, saddle is then stamped with new width)
0951 = saddle maker reference number
0217 = year of manufacturing (Feb 2017)
AA L = flap (flap angle A-AAA: Standard is not stamped, A/+2 Forward, AA/+4 Extra Forward, AAA/+6 Extra Extra Forward. flap length XS-XL: XS/Extra Short, S/Short, Standard is not stamped, L/Long, XL/Extra Long)
We are your Prestige dealer - Text us for further help (425-454-9453)!

462 = saddle maker reference number
15 = year of manufacturing (2015)
17 = seat size
3AA = flap (flap lengths 0-5, A/Forward, AA/Extra Forward)
M/M = tree width (M/M is medium tree)
15 = panel configuration modification
Please remember when looking at saddles that every saddle is uniquely built. Between what looks like the same saddle there maybe some subtle differences. Saddles may have been customized for the horse and rider they were originally made for. The staff at Olson's Tack Shop do their best to give accurate approximate measurements from the stamp readings. This service is a courtesy and is not a guarantee. Thank you for your understanding.
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